Test your Web App with Playwright
Thu 20 Feb 2025 Betabit, Techtower Eindhoven
We all (should) use unit testing to test our code. But if we build a front-end application, we also need to test the code running in the browser. We can of course do this by hand, but that is boring. And as a software developer, I like writing software more than I like clicking on buttons and links.
Well fortunately there is a tool to help us accomplice this: Playwright. In this talk I will show you what Playwright is and how you can use it to automatically test your web front-end.
- 17:30 - 18:30 Walk-in & Dinner
- 18:30 - 19:15 Part I
- 19:15 - 19:30 Break
- 19:30 - 20:15 Part II
- 20:15 - 21:00 Drinks and socializing
- Maximum:
- 50
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Johan Smarius
JMAC Software Solutions & Avans University of Applied Sciences
Johan has been developing software since 1996 and has been using .NET since version 1.0. He has a lot of experience as lead developer and architect for .NET solutions. He has a passion for clean coding and test-driven development. As a developer and trainer at JMAC Software Solutions and as a teacher at the Avans University of Applied Sciences he spends his time architecting .NET solutions and coaching and teaching other developers and students in using Microsoft technologies. In his spare time, he teaches children how to program and is a trainer in first aid.
Betabit, Techtower Eindhoven
Techtower Eindhoven Flight Forum 80-119
5657 DC Eindhoven
Note that the location is NOT at the Betabit office! It wil take place at the Skybar, in the Techtower Eindhoven on the Flight Forum in Eindhoven
Unfortunately we do not have enough parking spots and kindly request you to use the paid parking at the Flight Forum Garage (Flight Forum 565, Eindhoven). You can pay by debit card, no creditcard. The Tech Tower can be reached through a pedestrian gateway or via the square in front of the TechTower (Flight Forum 80-119).
Route to garage:
From the A2 turn on to the Anthony Fokkerweg. Just before the viaduct turn left onto the parallel road (Flight Forum). Follow the parallel road (following left), the parking garage is situated on the left side, Flight Forum 565/Valid. The maximum height is 2.00 meter!