1e avond met Richard Campbell (DotNetRocks) - The Development Platform Landscape

2 May 2016

Beste .NET Zuid vrienden!

Bekijk nu de foto's van de eerste avond: https://dnz.blob.core.windows.net/cdn/Fotos.zip 

De allereerste avond van onze nieuwe usergroup: .NET Zuid komt er aan!!
Wij hebben het enorme geluk dat wij Richard Campbell mogen aankondigen als onze eerste gast!

2 mei 2016.

We zijn welkom bij de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in het Auditorium in zaal 2. Hier vind je het adres, routebeschrijving en de plattegrond.


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Over Richard Campbell:

Richard Campbell wrote his first line of code in 1977. His career has spanned the computing industry 
both on the hardware and software sides, development and operations. He was a co-founder of Strangeloop Networks, acquired by Radware in 2013 and was on the board of directors of Telerik which was acquired by Progress Software in 2014. Today he is a consultant and advisor to a number of successful technology firms and is the founder and chairman of Humanitarian Toolbox (www.htbox.org), a public charity that builds open source software for disaster relief. Richard is also the host of two podcasts: .NET Rocks! (www.dotnetrocks.com) which publishes three shows a week to .NET developers and RunAs Radio (www.runasradio.com) which is a weekly show for IT Professionals. You can reach Richard at richard@pwop.com.


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